The TwoNav and Land Knowledge Dictionary
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TwoNav device software v2.9 (older devices)
(Brochures only in German!) Here you will find everything about "Navigation with TwoNav Software". Provided as PDF. Here you can, divided into chapters, look up everything you are interested in or would like to know.

Also all software, tools described in the TwoNav FAQ Dictionary can be downloaded here. As well as a description of how you can provide your Aventura on the motorcycle with continuous power.

TwoNavWissen Dauerstrom
PDF Download
v14.02 [7,0 MB]
Continuous AC (device 2015)
Manual v2.00

Here are the downloads described in the reading. Choose the appropriate LINK from the pop-up menu.

A detailed list of descriptions can be found here in the List view.

Planning software LAND v7.7.2
(Brochures only in German!) In this area everything is written about the software "CompeGPS Land". As a PDF to view or as a reference book about the handling of the extensive planning software.

Also all software, tools described in the CompeGPS Land FAQ Dictionary can be downloaded here.

PDF Download
v5.07 [6,5 MB]

Here are the downloads described in the lecture. Look in the unfolding menu. the appropriate LINK out.

A detailed list of descriptions can be found here in the List view.

QuoVadis Software